Gizmo likes to sit in front of the TV while we're watching TV.
He also sits on the newspaper when anyone happens to read it.
He walks onto the keyboard once the laptop is open.
Lately he even sits on our kitchen table when there's good food.
He enjoys the company of people. He jumps on my lap when I settle down on the sofa.
When we took a trip to Taiwan during summer, his days must have been pretty empty.
He nagged unstopped almost 3 days after we got back from extended summer vacation.
He laughs out loud when he observes a bird on the tree or fence wall.
He is timid by nature. Once a grocery paper bag got on his neck, he ran through the house as though a monster is pursuiting right behind.
Gizmo has been a good company for 5 years. It's finally time to say good-bye.